Best-In-Show Breeders Groups

Year 2014.


03 August 2014, Vladimir, Nat. show "RKF Championship", judge M.Ostrovskaya

ARESVUMA - Best Kennel, BIS!!!

On the picture: Aresvuma Godersi Delle Fama, Aresvuma Bahatika Banati, Aresvuma Baidhati Bikira


Year 2013.


07 July 2013, Plunge, Lithuania, Nat. show 

ARESVUMA - Best Kennel, R.BIS


Year 2012.


06 May 2012, Moscow, Kennels Union Championship, judge T.Ralfe (SA)

ARESVUMA - Best Kennel  (out from 6 RR kennels)

On the picture: Aresvuma Zan Zait, Aresvuma Sauda Areta, Aresvuma Pachanga Fotina, Aresvuma Kifani Maya, Aresvuma Sudi Sauti


24 March 2012, Moscow, Int. show "Eurasia", judge G.Еva (SA)

ARESVUMA - Best Kennel

On the picture: Aresvuma Zan Zait, Aresvuma Shikamo-O, Aresvuma Chakari Ushindi, Aresvuma Kifani Maya, Aresvuma Mahaba Hayana Dava


Year 2011


08 October 2011, Moscow, Int. show "Russia"

ARESVUMA - Best Kennel

On the picture: Aresvuma Zan Zait, Aresvuma Olana Red, Aresvuma Sauda Areta


30 April 2011, Moscow, Nat. show, judge D.Prozorov

ARESVUMA - Best Kennel, BIS

Aresvuma Livali Chache, Aresvuma Sauda Areta, Aresvuma Sudi Sauti


16 April 2011, Moscow, Nat. show, judge Krakovskaya

ARESVUMA - Best Kennel, BIS

Aresvuma Livali Chache, Aresvuma Sauda Areta, Aresvuma Sudi Sauti


27 March 2011, Moscow, Int. show "Eurasia-II", judge  V.Vojtek (Slovakia)

 ARESVUMA - Best Kennel


26 March 2011, Moscow, Int. show "Eurasia-I", judge  M.Croeser (SA)

 ARESVUMA - Best Kennel

On the picture: Aresvuma Zan Zait, Aresvuma Olana Red, Aresvuma Ovamba Unati, Aresvuma Sauda Areta, Aresvuma Oni Ozumeira


Year 2010


28 November 2010, Moscow, RKK ckub show "Club Winner", judge Barak (Israel)

ARESVUMA - Best Kennel (our from 3 RR kennels)

On the picture: Aresvuma Sauda Areta, Aresvuma Olana Red, Aresvuma Oni Ozumeira, Aresvuma Pachanga Fotina


30 October 2010, Moscow, Derzhava Club show "Club Winner", judge S.Piccedda (Italy) 

ARESVUMA - Best Kennel

On the picture: Aresvuma Zan Zait,  Aresvuma Olana Red, Aresvuma Sauda Areta, Aresvuma Pachanga Fotina


09-10 October  2010 , Arad, Romania, 2xCACIB

ARESVUMA - 2xBest Kennel, 2xR.BIS

On the picture: Aresvuma Desta Diara, Aresvuma Pachanga Fotina, Aresvuma Olana Red


03 October  2010 , Croatia, Club Match 2010

ARESVUMA - Best Kennel


02 October  2010, Celje, Slovenia, "Euro Dog Show Specialty"

ARESVUMA - Best Kennel


01 October 2010 , Celje, Slovenia, Int. show "Euro Dog Show"

ARESVUMA - Best Kennel

On the picture the very best of Aresvumas: Aresvuma Zan Zait. (BOB Euro Dog Show RR Specialty), Aresvuma Olana Red (Junior World Winner), Aresvuma Zulu Zuka (World Winner, Euro Winner, BOB CRUFTS), Aresvuma Desta Diara (World Winner, BOS Euro Dog Show RR Specialty), Aresvuma Pachanga Fotina (Junior Euro Winner)


25 September 2010 , Samara, RR-Specialty

ARESVUMA - Best Kennel


15 August 2010, Moscow, Elita Club show "Club Winner", judge S.Galiaskarov

ARESVUMA - Best Kennel


Year 2009


08 November 2009, Moscow, Orfey Club show, judge D.Prozorov

ARESVUMA - Best Kennel

On the picture: Aresvuma Zan Zait, Aresvuma Idir Ikedi, Aresvuma Olana Red


11 October  2009, Bratislava, Slovakia, "World Dog Show Specialty"

ARESVUMA - Reserve Best Kennel

On the picture: Aresvuma Zan Zait, Aresvuma Desta Diara, Aresvuma Nakira Nakava


11 October  2009, Bratislava, Slovakia,, Club Match 2009

ARESVUMA - Reserve Best Kennel

On the picture: Aresvuma Nakira Nakava, Aresvuma Desta Diara, Aresvuma Zulu Zuka, Aresvuma Zan Zait


ARESVUMA at the final Best-in-Show World Dog Show 2009

On the picture: Aresvuma Zulu Zuka, Aresvuma Desta Diara, Aresvuma Zan Zait, Aresvuma Nakira Nakava


20 July 2009 , Marupe, Latvia, Nat. show


On the picture: Aresvuma Jumba Jafari, Aresvuma Kanzi Kabambe, Aresvuma Idir Ikedi


19 July 2009, Marupe, Latvia, Specialty show for VI Group, judge E.Kruus (Estonia)



 17 May 2009, Moscow, Russian Club Match, judge М. Mannucci (Italy)

ARESVUMA - Best Kennel (out from 6 RR kennels)

On the picture: Aresvuma Guahili Mambasa, Aresvuma Zulu Zuka, Aresvuma Idir Ikedi, Aresvuma Livali Chache, Aresvuma Desta Diara


Year 2008


24 February 2008, Moscow, Int. show "Eurasia-II", judge Z.Sirik (Israel)

ARESVUMA - Best Kennel (out from 4 RR kennels)

On the picture: Aresvuma Guahili Mambasa, Aresvuma Buchi Liu, Aresvuma Desta Diara, Aresvuma Jalisa Jali


23 february 2008, Moscow, Int. show "Eurasia-I", judge H. Lehkonen (Finland)

ARESVUMA - Best Kennel (out from 4 RR kennels)

On the picture: Aresvuma Guahili Mambasa, Aresvuma Desta Diara, Aresvuma Elime Kingozi, Aresvuma Go Ngai, Aresvuma Jalisa Jali


09 February 2008, Moscow, Fauna Club show "Club Winner", judge M.Levente (Hungary)

ARESVUMA - Best Kennel (out from 3 RR kennels)


Year 2007


15 December 2007,  Moscow, "Kinolog and Me" Club show, judge M.Ostrovskaya

ARESVUMA - Best Kennel


18 November 2007, Sankt-Peterburg,  "Nevskaya Zastava" Club show "Club Winner", judge A.Belkin

ARESVUMA - Best Kennel



Year 2006.


21 May 2006 , Nizhny Novgorod, "Club Winner" RR-specialty, judge E.Kuplyauskas

ARESVUMA -B est Kennel

Aresvuma Buchi Liu, Aresvuma Bara Etana, Aresvuma Belinda Dini, Aresvuma Valao Kibwana


27 May 2006, Moscow, Nat. show "Арта"


Aresvuma Aluna Olabisi, Aresvuma Buchi Liu, Aresvuma Bara Etana

